Venturing Crew 105 purpose is to provide positive experiences for young individuals to help them mature and also become responsible and caring adults. Want to know more about Venturing? Visit the Boys Scout Of America Venturing Page. Learn More About Venturing.

Adult Division
A young adult division of the Boy Scout of America for young men and women ages 14-21 (who have completed their eight grade)

Religious Youth Group
A program tailored to help religious youth groups achieve their aims and purposed by providing leadership training, outdoors and high-adventure activity, program ideas, recognition for the youth, audiovisuals, literature, and insurance.

Religious Organization
A program owned by the religious organization. The religious organization selects and approves adults leadership. The religious organization uses elements of the Venturing program to help achieve its specific aims and purposes related to young adult.
Provide positive experiences for young individuals to help them mature and also become responsible and caring adults

From Adventure park, Picnic, Bowling, Dube racnh and more...
Movie Nights
Once a quarter, we all go out to watch a movie at a nearby Movie theater.
Education is key. We ensure we have regular scheduled meetings with the members to educate them in various aspects of life.
Shcolarship opportunities are available for those who qualify. Visit for more information.

Katrina W., Bayshore, NY

Kevin K., Brentwood, NY

Suzie C., Central Islip, NY
Annual Picnic on August 17th